Explore the Faraday Institution battery career portfolio to learn about the diverse range of battery career options and find resources to support your career development.

This guide provides an overview of the diverse battery careers available to you, what they involve and practical insights towards developing your career. The battery industry, characterised by its interdisciplinary nature, offers a plethora of roles ranging from research and development to manufacturing and policy-making. As such, this resource serves as a navigational tool for students, educators, and professionals, providing insights into educational qualifications, skill requirements, and potential career options within this dynamic industry.

This has been designed to cater to individuals at varying stages of their educational and professional journeys, from undergraduate students to seasoned researchers and industry professionals. By laying out the options, we hope to demystify the process of advancing in this field, offering a map for those who aspire to contribute to the world of sustainable energy storage solutions.

Whereas a career path tends to be singular pursuit (climb the ladder in one direction and focus on what is straight ahead), a career portfolio is a never-ending source of discovery and fulfilment. It represents your vast and diverse professional journey, including the various twists and turns, whether made by choice or by circumstance.”

Harvard Business Review 2021

Careers pathways and portfolio

In this battery careers resource, we have focused on outlining some of the key avenues for professional development within the battery field, specifically highlighting careers in academia, industry and other important areas, with each offering a unique set of opportunities and challenges.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that the landscape of battery careers is both dynamic and expansive. Beyond these main routes, there are numerous other career paths that intersect with different disciplines and sectors. These include roles in the public sector on policy, positions as analysts in consultancy firms or entrepreneurial ventures in battery startups. Therefore, while this resource provides a guide to some of the career pathways, we encourage aspiring professionals to explore the diverse and emerging opportunities that this exciting and crucial field has to offer, noting that this list is not exhaustive. 

Traditional career pathways

A diagram of a traditional career pathway including academia, industry and policy/other

Career portfolio 

Diagram of a career portfolio covering academic, industry, policy etc


Roles in the UK battery sector

Icons for roles in the UK Battery sector: Academia, Industry, Start-ups, Policy and Analysis.
There are a wealth of job opportunities in the UK battery sector in academia, industry and start-ups as well as policy and analyst roles. Click below to learn more.



National Facilities


Policy and analysis

Non-traditional career pathways