Three further Industry Fellowships to foster relationships between battery researchers in industry and academia


The Faraday Institution has awarded a further three Industry Fellowships to join the six awarded in 2020.

This is an innovative programme that strengthens ties between battery researchers working in industry and academia.

Each fellowship enables academics and industrialists to undertake a mutually beneficial, electrochemical energy storage research project that aims to solve a critical industrial problem and that has the potential for near- and longer-term benefit to the wider UK battery industry.

Introducing the new Fellowships:

The University of Birmingham will work closely with Echion Technologies Ltd to identify new mixed metal niobium oxide phases for possible use as anode materials, assess them for performance and thereafter take promising materials into Echion’s product development cycle with the aim of improving lithium-ion battery energy densities and charge times.

The University of Sheffield will partner with Finden, leaders in local structural method development and application, to deepen the understanding of new cathode materials and mitigate deleterious behaviour. The aim is to fast track the best-performing high energy density cathodes to aid in their early adoption by UK industry and to inform future cathode protection strategies to prolong battery life.

This is the second industry fellowship awarded to the University of Sheffield.

The University of St Andrews will partner with AMTE Power to strengthen the pathway from laboratory to cell production. The partnership will focus on taking newly developed sodium-ion materials from the laboratory bench to fully functioning pouch cells as an exemplar technology allowing the building of combined capability. It will strengthen the industry partner’s awareness and capability in battery research and enhance the university partner’s capability to transition cells to full scale.

Two of these Fellowships (Sheffield and St. Andrews) will enable a researcher from the industry partner to work within a university team.

Applications for future Industry Fellowships remain open: Application form. Guidelines. Contact for applications: Craig Chapling.

To be considered in the next round of applications, please apply by 1st April 2021.

Posted on February 1, 2021