Optimising wellbeing and mental health during a PhD

The Faraday Institution cares deeply about the wellbeing of PhD researchers and acknowledges that undertaking a PhD project can present challenges.

To produce world-class research, we must provide a healthy and supportive research environment that allows researchers to flourish.”

Vitae 2018

Book cover: Managing your mental health during your phd.

The organisation recommends that PhD researchers and supervisors read ‘Managing Your Mental Health During Your PhD’, written by award winning author and mental health advocate Dr Zoe Ayres. It presents research-based information on the topic. The skilfully narrates the challenges PhD researchers may face and clearly lays out positive actions that people can take to effect positive change.

Mental health during your phd infographic. Alternative format available for data.

The Faraday Institution commits to:

For researchers who are part of the Faraday Institution PhD Training Programme the organsiation:

  • provides training on time management and successful thesis writing
  • has 1:1 coaching calls and additionally enables the option for the training budget to pay for a few sessions of professional career coaching if required
  • schedules regular breaks on training days as far as is practicably possible
  • makes all reasonable accommodations to enable full participation at training events or provide alternative options if indicated
  • provides prayer spaces, where requested
  • ensures dietary requirements are catered for
  • works with accessibility and EDI consultants to adopt best practices to create inclusive training environments
  • connects PhD researchers with the wider Faraday Institution community network and industry partners
  • provides high-quality training that will set individuals up for career success
  • selects trusted, professional training partners

If you are seeing your mental health or wellbeing negatively impacted, please do not hesitate to speak to your supervisor, a mentor, colleague, university support services, friend or call Samaritans.

Whatever you're facing, we're here to listen. Call the Samaritans day or night for free on 116 123 or email jo@samaritans.org

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