
The Faraday Institution research programme priority areas span ten major research projects in lithium-ion and beyond lithium-ion technologies. The organisation also runs a number of focused projects on topics to benefit emerging economies and a set of seed projects to help identify future research priorities. The research programme is multidisciplinary, highly collaborative, and draws together the best of UK university research groups and industrial partners.

Priority Areas

Research Stream 1 – Lithium-ion

Projects optimising the current generation lithium-ion based batteries where there are still considerable gains to be made and where research breakthroughs could start to be realised in commercial batteries within 3-4 years. This includes a project on recycling and reuse of batteries and another on battery safety.

Research Stream 2 – Beyond Lithium-ion

Projects that are higher risk, higher reward and could facilitate the long-term commercialisation of next-generation battery technology that still require considerable research in the areas of materials discovery and optimisation.

Our Impact

From research discoveries to commercial spin-outs, policy guidance to public engagement, this selection of case studies from the Faraday Institution and its research community demonstrates the impacts we are making on UK science, the economy and future generations of researchers.

Smaller Projects and Fellowships

The Faraday Institution funds a variety of smaller, shorter-term projects and fellowships:

Research Community

The Faraday Institution has created a flourishing environment for commercially relevant energy storage research and innovation. It has united a powerhouse of a research community – 500+ strong from across 27 universities – working with 122 industrial partners. Highly competitive university research groups across the UK now work in active collaboration. Over half of the scientists engaged as co-investigators on our research projects are new to battery science, having transferred their expertise from other areas of materials sciences. Read how…

Researcher Spotlights

Meet the Faraday Five Hundred! The Faraday Institution has over 500 researchers from various universities, disciplines, projects, and career stages. These researcher spotlights highlight their important work, the range of journeys into battery science, and the multi-dimensional diversity in our community.

Our Research Programme by the Numbers




Industry partners




Committed to application inspired research


Scientific papers published


Inventions identified

Faraday Battery Challenge Innovation And Scale-up

See details of the latest projects funded through the Faraday Battery Challenge, including collaborative
R&D projects funded through InnovateUK and the UK Battery Industrialisation Centre