Powering Britain's
Battery Revolution
The Faraday Institution has awarded a further four Industry Fellowships to join the nine previously awarded in 2020 and 2021.
Each fellowship enables academics and industrialists to undertake a mutually beneficial, electrochemical energy storage research project that aims to solve a critical industrial problem and that has the potential for near- and longer-term benefit to the wider UK battery industry.
This is an innovative programme that strengthens ties between battery researchers working in industry and academia.
Introducing the new Fellowships:
Dr Alisyn Nedoma and Dr Sam Booth from the University of Sheffield will work closely with the team at Exawatt (an existing key industry partner of the FutureCat project) to develop a techno-economic analysis and forecasting model of the cost of possible novel cathode materials given market raw materials costs and manufacturing methods. The tool will guide cathode research and scale-up options and has potential for use by automakers and to inform policy.
Dr Billy Wu of Imperial College London will partner with Williams Advanced Engineering (WAE) to accelerate the deployment of advanced physics-based modelling (developed as part of the Multi-scale Modelling Project) to improve the diagnostic and prognostic capability of the WAE battery management system, targeting an extension in battery life.
Dr Alastair Hales of the University of Bristol and Dr Gregory Offer of Imperial College London will partner with Thermal Hazard Technology (THT) to develop a common testing framework to improve the parameterisation of battery models. The testing framework will provide improved tools and methods for a more efficient product development processes and learnings will be incorporated into THT’s market-leading thermal control apparatus used for battery testing. The Fellowship will mark a transfer of knowledge from the Multi-scale Modelling project and the TOPBAT industry sprint to a commercial product of a new UK-based industry partner.
Posted on October 7, 2021